This is a unique scissors in the world by "Sou-hizukuri" as Japan's traditional technique for swords. Succeeded in having soft and tenacious such as Japanese swords in view of ratio of steel / mild steel as a result of our investgation. Able to cut even thick leathers precisely by sharp cutting edge like Japanese sword, and suitable for long use. Except "Sou-hizukuri", most of products in the market are made by welding the potions of grips, handle, and edge of blade.
Made by fully hand-forging, (Sou-hizukuri) based on the traditional Japanese sword techniques. |
Blade is combined with steel and mild steel by hand-forging. |
All portions, including grips, handle, and blade, are made of a piece of mild steel. |
Japanese highest quality of steel, Yasugi Specialty Steel "Aogami", used. |
Soft and tenacious because of hand-forging out of a steel including blade and others. |
Sharp and delicate as Japanese sword. |
Biting of cutting edges is very smooth.
Feeling comfortable for long use because of biting of smooth cutting edges. |
Able to produce only a piece or so per day because of fully hand-made. |
"Sou-hizukuri" is scarce, and not available in the market. |